WhatsApp Aero is one of the WhatsApp mod applications that has also gotten some modifications to some features so that it becomes more optimal. The whatsapp aero feature that you can feel in this mod application you can’t get on the official wa.
if previously you are familiar with several whatsapp mod applications, such as GB WA (WhatsApp GB) or Fouad WhatsApp (FMWA), this aero version of wa mod can also be an option that can be used to complete your social media collection.
You can get Aero WA in the article that will be discussed this time. To better understand the functions of whatsapp aero and get more information about the features of whatsapp aero, let’s look at the review that we provide.
What is WhatsApp Aero?
WhatsApp Aero is a variant of the WhatsApp social media which has been modified to become a wa mod. Although it has been modified, this application still has the main function to send text messages, voice calls, video calls and also send document files.
The reason why wa mod aero appears is the answer for official WhatsApp users who are not satisfied. Dissatisfaction with the official wa application was mentioned because the existing features had limitations in the short duration of video status and small file size.
To get to know the optimized aero whatsapp feature, we will discuss each of the whatsapp aero features below.
Features of Aero Whatsapp / Aero WA
1. Download WhatsApp Stories
Through this feature, you can download your friends’ whatsapp stories easily and quickly. You can’t get this wa story download feature on the latest version of WhatsApp though. You can only get features like this only on whatsapp mod.
On official WhatsApp you can only see the status or story of your contacts. If you use whatsapp aero, you can also download other people’s wa statuses and also download your friends’ wa stories easily.
2. Viewing Deleted Messages
This feature is also one of the superior features of aero whatsapp which is quite interesting. With the whatsapp aero mod feature, you can view deleted messages again.
You can’t get things like this if you don’t install whatsapp mod like this. In addition, this is also often a question for WhatsApp users.
How to view deleted whatsapp messages, then the answer to this question is to install this whatsapp aero.
3. Sending Large Files
Not a few WhatsApp users often ask how to send large files on WhatsApp. This question has been answered in this aero mod whatsapp application.
You can send larger files, be it video, audio, image and document files. The capacity of sending files that you can send is up to 1 Gb. So the duration or size limitation that you often feel on your old WhatsApp will be resolved.
4. More Varied Themes
Choose a display or theme for the application screen that you can choose on aero whatsapp more. Thus the customization that you can do will be even more.
In addition, with more themes provided by whatsapp aero, of course you can also feel its own satisfaction.
5. Chat Lock feature
The chat lock feature is a feature that you can use on whatsapp aeor to lock chats so that they are more secure. With this chat lock feature, your chats are more secure because they are specially encrypted.
6. Hidden Number
Have you ever been worried when you chat with people you don’t know. Through this feature you can hide your WhatsApp number from others.
Your mobile number will not be displayed in the profile window when opened from your chat partner. This makes for good security when you want to contact someone.
7. Whatsapp Aero No Ads
If you have downloaded the GB or GB WA WhatsApp and several other types of WhatsApp mods. You also don’t have to worry anymore if you are bothered by ads.
Because in some cases, there are many modification files that insert a lot of ads so that it is very annoying for users when operating the application.
Some of the points above are excellent features of whatsapp aero that we can explain. There are several other features that you can get such as, hiding the blue tick and others. But I think the above can be your reference to get to know whatsapp aero more.
Moving on to other things that are also often asked by someone who wants to use WhatsApp mod. What are the advantages and disadvantages of whatsapp aero.
Following up on questions related to this, let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Aero one by one.
What are the advantages of Aero WhatsApp?
If you have followed the explanation above previously related to the whatsapp aero feature that we convey, surely you already have a little idea about this type of whatsapp mod apk.
First, the advantages of whastapp aero can send larger files up to 1 GB. Second, the optimized chat privacy settings make your communication guaranteed to be more secure. Third, you can easily download other people’s WhatsApp stories and statuses without third-party applications.
Those are some of the main advantages of aero whatsapp mod apk that you can enjoy. Furthermore, what are the shortcomings of the aero wa we will discuss below.
What Are the Disadvantages of Aero WhatsApp?
Because this application is a modded or modified whatsapp application, the most you can feel is the lack of updates. Therefore you will have difficulty getting the latest version of aero whatsapp.
In addition, all modified applications are vulnerable to malware. Although that does not mean the malware is in this wa mod application, but often malware is obtained when downloading this wa mod.
But now you are a lucky person because we have prepared a safe aero whatsapp mod apk download file without malware.
We have prepared the latest aero whatsapp download link in this article. Make sure you read our explanation to the end.